Welcome to 2020! The Year 1’s have made a wonderful start in their class. They are settling into routines and are excited to be learning new skills. Please ensure your child brings to school daily their reader bag, hat and also a box of tissues for your class if you haven’t already sent one. Homework needs to be completed and handed in on Fridays. A book is assigned every week on “Reading Eggs” which has to be read and the quiz completed along with a spelling activity. Please ensure that your child completes this, as the assignment expires after a week. Some students might only be assigned lessons. Assigned Mathletics tasks also have to be completed every week.


Reading/Writing: Our focus for writing this term is “Descriptions”. We have been writing recounts to start with and will now be describing pictures. I would greatly appreciate if you could practise writing descriptions at home too on any topic. In Grammar, students have been learning about nouns and compound nouns.

Maths: In Maths, we have been looking at skip counting by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s and also place value (tens and ones). This week we will be focusing on “Chance” and using the language of chance to identify events as “possible”, “impossible”, “least likely” or “most likely”.

Integrated Studies: Students will be learning about the differences in family structures and roles today and how these have changed or remained the same over time.

Stem: This term your child will be participating in STEM Projects as part of their STEM clubs program. This unit opens up a world of innovative, communicative, collaborative and thoughtful problem-solvers. The STEM Projects Unit provides opportunities for students to develop Science knowledge and skills, Design and technology skills, Mathematics skills and general capabilities while completing short or long-term projects. It encourages students to follow a consistent design process while completing the projects, including finding out information, planning and designing, creating, evaluating and communicating.

The projects allow students to work in small teams, using effective communication and collaboration skills, to plan, design, create and evaluate a thoughtful and innovative solution to a given task. When satisfied with their solutions, students showcase and discuss their design, explaining how science was used throughout the project. Students designed and created paper planes and will now be working on making a table using paper and masking tape which can hold 5 books.

Looking forward to a wonderful term ahead!

Mrs Tarbinder Pandher
Year 1 Teacher